Verve, Media City

The “old” dynamic duo Nick & Scott has quite recently opened up Verve Brasserie in equally newly opened Grand Plaza Mövenpick in Media City - and the result is quite appealing. The food is of course first-rate - nothing else would be expected from these guys, but what is more pleasantly surprising is the level at which the bar is at - ok, they could be more elaborate in their descriptions of the cocktails in the menu, and it may well be that the brasserie style don’t appeal to everyone - but this place is a real gem. They flip more than competent cocktails as if there would be no tomorrow. Once this place gets the footfall it deserves, I hope the bar gets more attention from the guests as well - they do indeed deserve it.

Come here for the beautiful brasserie bar feeling, throw yourself into discussions on perfect ice or the best oppo to Rye Whiskey or just have a seat in the corner and enjoy the subtle art of people-watching.

Atmosphere: 6/8
Elegantly separated from the restaurant, this bar ticks the boxes for a long session where you can enjoy the company of well-versed bartenders and people-watch without getting too disturbed by the buzzing murmur behind the stylish glass wall that divides the bar from the restaurant.

Cocktails: 6/8

Simple yet ample cocktails that all are finished with one or a few elegant twists - cocktails at their best. Crank up the imagination and free thinking to reach the high notes, or keep it like this to be on the safe side - truth be told, it’s definitely good enough as is.

Bartenders: 6/8

Bartenders that really do care of their trade - they go the extra mile even though it may not be noticed by most of their guests - dedication.

Ice: 7/8
Big, clear ice cubes - one of the bartenders is doing his own experiments with freezing flowers into the actual cubes and he’s just a few strokes away from home made perfection..

Ground Floor
Grand Plaza Mövenpick
Dubai Media City