This place could've been so much more, with the right music and one or two more focused bartenders. But then again I guess that the old saying that location, location and location are the three top aspects of any bar, so there you go - to be situated in D3 is not prime location for cocktail bars, no matter the ambitions. Design-wise - this place is definitely worthy of its surrounding's ambitions, and they do have a nice date-night touch to their lighting. On the music front, they could do better, but based on their clientele - I'd say they're spot on. For advanced cocktail adventures? Not so much.
Come here if you are in D3 and want to kick back and relax among cool designers and date couples.
Atmosphere: 6/8
A nicely decorated hangout in d3, this feels like the perfect place to go to for a first date - not all that busy, nice staff and decent drinks and food.
Cocktails: 5/8
While the cocktails all are priced on a more than decent level, they do little to surprise - half of the signature drinks have vanilla syrup in them, for example.
Bartenders: 5/8
The bartender is a nice bloke who seems happy to get a few vintage cocktails as orders, but he also defiantly promotes the ones with vanilla in them.
Ice: 5/8
Big ice spheres is a good start - now go for the next step; clear ice.
Building 6
Dubai Design District